Brócoli Rabe en LOUDONVILLE
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Ciudad: LOUDONVILLE, 402 Albany Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12211, LOUDONVILLE, United States
"Great Quality. Flexible with modifications. This place primarily serves takeout, but the food is excellent and far from typical fast food. You can con..."

Brócoli Rabe cuesta un promedio:
9 €

Sal Gruesa
- Qty. 3g

Brócoli Rabe
- Qty. 1 racimo (453g)

Aceite de oliva
- Qty. 2 cucharadas (27g)

- Qty. 2 clavos de olor (6g)

Copos de pimiento rojo picante
- Qty. 0.25 cucharilla (0g)
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
If you want bitter broccoli rabe with tough stems then steam itOtherwise be smart and don’t listen to this recipeBoil itAlso don’t mince your garlic and add as suggested.
I agree that rapini is hard to find but if you're lucky enough to have a "Sprouts" in your town you can always find it there.
How could something, this unbelievably easy to make, taste so good? It was delicious and even my dedicated greens-hater ate some and liked it. High praise!