Gajos De Papa en Oer-Erkenschwick
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Ciudad: Oer-Erkenschwick, Pastor-Schmitz-Weg 1, 45739 Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany
"Super! Very tasty great service! We'll definitely be back!"

Gajos De Papa cuesta un promedio:
3 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
Hallo. Es passte alles perfekt zusammen. Es war total lecker. Tolle Idee!!
great, many thanks for this tasty recipe, and especially for the tipp with the blue mold in the video. I had already thought about what you could use instead of the goat cheese that I was afraid of.
hallo dear chef, just we have eaten this great dish and are just thrilled - it was perfect from the lead, from the ingredients and the quantities; this will certainly be back soon! many thanks also for the tips what can be prepared all etc love greet...