Palitos De Mozzarella en FRENCH LICK
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Ciudad: FRENCH LICK, 8695 W Jack Carnes Way 210, French Lick, 47432, United States Of America, FRENCH LICK
"Great place to eat. The staff is nice and the food is great."

Palitos De Mozzarella cuesta un promedio:
7 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
It is hard to call these sticksSandwich is more appropriateI held them together with toothpicksThey are best hot out of the pan.
they put a real twist into this tasty treat which cost $7.00 or more @ a restraunt i love them
This is called "Mozzarella en Carozza" which means Mozzarella in carriagesIt is Italian and is similar to the American grilled cheese.