Ensalada De Cebolla en St. Helens
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Ciudad: St. Helens, 22 Hall Street, WA10 1DW, St. Helens, United Kingdom
Opciones veganas, Accesible para sillas de ruedas, Acepta tarjetas de crédito, Cafetería

Ensalada De Cebolla cuesta un promedio:
2 €

Aceite de oliva
- Qty. 4 cucharadas (54g)

Cebolla Vidalia
- Qty. 1 unidad (331g)

Sal Gruesa
- Qty. 5g

Pimienta Molida
- Qty. 3g

Jugo de Limón
- Qty. 2 cucharadas (31g)

Verduras para Ensalada
- Qty. 12 onzas (340g)

Queso de cabra suave
- Qty. 4 onzas (113g)
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
The recipe was very tastyI followed the instructions, and found that the amount of dressing produced was about twice as much as needed.
A neighbor gave me several cucumbers, another several tomatoes, and we had several Walla Walla Sweet onions so I needed a recipe I was almost out of Red Wine Vinegar so I used Golden Balsamic
My grandma made this recipe for years and loved it every holiday at her home. She used yellow onions and Italian bread for dipping....mmmm good!