Arroz en Lawica Polska
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Ciudad: Lawica Polska, Murna 3A, Poznań I-61-771, Poland, Lawica Polska
"Prawdopodobnie to jedno z najlepszych miejsc w Polsce gdzie mozna zjesc gruzinskie jedzenie. Potrawy smaczne, porcje naprawde spore, a do tego sympaty..."

Arroz cuesta un promedio:
3 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
I screw up rice all the time. I omitted the salt and added 3.5 cups of chicken stock. IT is delicious!!!!!!!! It's absolutely perfect
Wow! This recipe and technique is simple yet perfectI never thought to cook rice in the oven, but this is the best rice I ever madeMy son and I both couldn't get enough.
Made this againThis time with white riceI made in my rice cookerI cooked the onion first in the butter/oil, and then mixed with rice.