Filete De Cerdo en Goerlitz
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Ciudad: Goerlitz, Untermarkt 24, Görlitz I-02826, Deutschland, Goerlitz, Germany
"Sehr zentral in der Altstadt gelegen. Das Ambiente ist gemütlich, schön und einladend. Das Essen war köstlich. Die Preise sind fair. Vielleicht hätte..."

Filete De Cerdo cuesta un promedio:
11 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
Hello daddykicker such a delicious recipe and no one has cooked it yet, I can't understand ....... the steaks we had on Sunday with baguette to go with it my family tasted great, great taste not too spicy and not too bland - perfect I left out the pl...
másHello, cooked it again today and found it to be very tasty :-) I took pork fillet, with croquettes as a side dish. But since there was plenty of sauce, I would probably make rice or spaetzle with it next time. The taste of the sauce was really delici...
másHello! Also cooked today, it tasted great, even without plums (I had forgotten them). The sauce has a great taste, you can't really describe it, you just have to try it. LG Anja