Solomillo en Sligeach
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Ciudad: Sligeach, 4 Main St, Carrowhubbuck South, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo, F26 D596, Ireland, Sligeach
"This is a lovely restaurant, and I seriously doubt there’s anything on the menu that isn’t great. I've been here twice and will definitely be returnin..."

Solomillo cuesta un promedio:
18 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
this was wonderful although I since I don't have a grill, I used the broiler on my oven.
Il Mosto in Mazatlan is one of my favorite restaurants and their Maggi infused butter is incredible. Love this on a steak. Thank you for the recipe.
It was amazing my wife and I loved it, It is definitely a great recipe, I hope everyone gives it a try.