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Was surprised how beautiful the vegan options were! highly recommend the sweet cake, whose name it is not fair. if they have some vegan options they have better...
leer másBut it was good a vegan sweetcake. also a vegan appetizer and gloomy. very seafood heavy restaurant, so ready for a very fishy smell and many poor lobsters. but...
leer másThe restaurant serves a vegan starter (Fritten-Cliflower), a vegan main course (a vegetarian torte with vegetables that can be made vegan) and a vegan dessert (...
leer másOne of the best niche I had in island. only two vegetarian options, but that was damn good.
The veggie pie they have is really nice and the place itself is very cozy. The brownie is great as well and I think it's vegan (pls dbl check with the waiter)
Notalegur veitingastađur ì fallegu ròmantìsku hùsnæđi framùrskarandi þjònusta og greinilegt ađ eigendum og starfsfòlki er umhugađ um sìna gesti.MATURINN mađur M...
leer másFrábær þjónusta, mjög góður matur og sanngjarnt verð! Gott stopp á ferðalaginu okkar :
Bragðmikill and góður matur. Stórir shamemtar and breeding starfsfólk.
Góður matur, vinarlegur staður and fín þjónusta.
Góður matur and góðjónusta and viðmót.