Pasta Boloñesa en Kaernten
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Ciudad: Kaernten, Dorfstrasse, Bad Kleinkirchheim 90910, Austria, 9546, Kaernten
"Im Italienischen bedeutet Bott Weinfass. Der Name macht Hoffnung! Tatsächlich handelt es sich um einen herausragenden Rotwein mit einer guten Auswahl..."

Pasta Boloñesa cuesta un promedio:
11 €

Tomates Triturados
- Qty. 2 latas (908g)

Aceite de oliva
- Qty. 3 cucharadas (41g)

- Art: Meat Qty. 6 onzas (170g)

Carne de cerdo molida
- Art: Meat Qty. 0.25 libra (113g)

Aguja de res
- Qty. 0.25 libra (113g)

Ternera molida
- Qty. 0.25 libra (113g)

- Qty. 1 taza (120g)

- Qty. 1 taza (122g)

Vino Tinto
- Qty. 1 taza (235g)

Crema Espesa
- Qty. 1 taza (238g)

Sal Kosher
- Qty. 1 cucharilla (5g)

Pimienta negra
- Qty. 1 cucharilla (2g)

- Qty. 1 libra (454g)

Queso Parmigiano Reggiano
- Qty. 0g
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
This was a really good sauce! I will definitely make it again! I did not have any ground sausage when I made this and I will make sure I do next time or at least use 2 pounds of ground beef.
This is a good recipe! It's an even better base recipeThere r so many different ways to make this dishI prefer this one do to cooking time.
This was an ok sauce but it is definitely not Bolognese.