Pollo Búfalo en Geneseo
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Ciudad: Geneseo, 82 Main St, Geneseo, USA, United States
Sacar, Accesible para sillas de ruedas, Zona de aparcamiento, Televisión

Pollo Búfalo cuesta un promedio:
9 €

Muslos de pollo
- Qty. 1.5 kilogramos (1,500g)

Muslos de pollo
- Qty. 1.5 kilogramos (1,500g)

Sal marina
- Qty. 180 gramos (180g)

Azúcar Moreno Oscuro
- Qty. 90 gramos (90g)

Copos de chile
- Art: Spices and Seasonings Qty. 2 cucharadas (11g)
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
This is a great recipe for buffalo chicken. I had to use red pepper instead of cayenne because we didn't have any cayenne, but it turn out wonderful.
Made the recipe as stated and went with strips like it saysThe flour dredge was a little short for 3 breastsNeeded about 25% more to get a good coating til the end.
Fryer time was very accurate they were great