Pollo Búfalo en Rutherfordton
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Ciudad: Rutherfordton, 456 S Main St, 28139, Rutherfordton, US, United States
"I wasn't impressed. I don't have anything bad to say, but it wasn't for me...or my Mom. We both ordered 2 tacos each and I couldn't eat the first one...."
Pollo Búfalo cuesta un promedio:
9 €
Muslos de pollo
- Qty. 1.5 kilogramos (1,500g)
Muslos de pollo
- Qty. 1.5 kilogramos (1,500g)
Sal marina
- Qty. 180 gramos (180g)
Azúcar Moreno Oscuro
- Qty. 90 gramos (90g)
Copos de chile
- Art: Spices and Seasonings Qty. 2 cucharadas (11g)
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.