Alas De Pollo en Romilly-sur-Seine
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Ciudad: Romilly-sur-Seine, 80 rue Pierre Semard, 10100 Romilly-sur-Seine, France
"Je suis allé(e) à Wing Nite mercredi pour goûter les ailes de poulet qui ont été élues les meilleures à Halifax par The Coast."

Alas De Pollo cuesta un promedio:
8 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
Delicious, everyone loved them
I added a little teriyaki sauce, onion powder and 2 diced garlic cloves to the marinating sauce. Very tasty.
This was delicious, easy to make with minimal ingredients. My family loved the wings, not one left over, the only thing they said was they wish I had made more. Thanks will make these again!!