Albóndigas en Langa
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Albóndigas cuesta un promedio:
9 €

- Qty. 24 onzas (680g)

Salsa Barbacoa
- Art: Condiments Qty. 10 onzas (284g)

- Qty. 30 unidades (2,550g)
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
The meatballs won raves from my guestsI had some doubts because they did not brown in the oven without an extra 10 minutes and I was afraid they would be dry.
Everyone loved them. They added much flavor to the sauce too. I made it as written and they turned out perfect.
I didn't think it had enough flavor. I would use more fresh herbs, definitely would not use Italian seasoning spice.