Mantequilla De Maní Con Chocolate en Norton St Philip, Bath, Somerset
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Ciudad: Norton St Philip, Bath, Somerset, Fairfield Town Center 28404 Us-290, Cypress, TX 77433, Norton St Philip, Bath, Somerset, United States
"Brittany is AWESOME! She deserves a raise! We have been here 5+ times and she is the sweetest. She always makes great suggestions and is always helpfu..."
Mantequilla De Maní Con Chocolate cuesta un promedio:
7 €
Jarabe de arce
- Qty. 0.5 taza (158g)
Mantequilla de cacahuete
- Qty. 0.5 taza (129g)
Cereal de arroz
- Qty. 2 tazas (28g)
Sal marina
- Qty. 1 cucharada (15g)
Chocolate negro
- Qty. 12 onzas (340g)
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.