Tiramisú en Waalwijk
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Ciudad: Waalwijk, Grotestraat 246B, Waalwijk, Netherlands, 5141 HJ
"Het eten is goed, maar de dienst kan beter. We hebben stoffige tafels buiten en ze moesten nog steeds klaar zijn, terwijl de gasten er al waren tussen..."
Tiramisú cuesta un promedio:
6 €
Estas reseñas se refieren solo a los ingredientes mencionados.
Yoghurt-Tiramisu with chocolate cookies Yoghurt-Tiramisu with chocolate cookies, taste this delicious recipe, tiramisu are served in individual dishes, it is a simple and tasty recipe.
tiramisu with coffee cake
tiramisu with coffee cake in this recipe is covered with coffee. they can prepare the whole portion or individual portions. delicious!