
Carta ha recopilado todas las evaluaciones de Chinese Good To Back de todos los importantes portales para darte una impresión neutral lo más posible. Hasta ahora tienes a tu disposición 224 evaluaciones de 1 sitio(s) web. La valoración promedio para Chinese Good To Back es 4.1, lo que significa que los clientes tienen una muy buena opinión sobre este restaurante. Ayuda a otros clientes con tu valoración para este local!.

Puntaje total general
4.1 de 5
Impresionante | 224 comentarios

Comentarios de varios sitios web

Todas las reseñas para Chinese Good To Back de todos los sitios web.

5.0 ★ de 5 comentarios
04.08.2023 - 07:10

Like the place fast service variety of dishes served and many more visit the place for personal experience

04.08.2023 - 07:10

Best restaurant in town, great vegetarian options

04.08.2023 - 07:10

No doubt this small town Chinese restaurant can beat any big chinese restaurants. The food quality was beyond the best! Staff were really nice! Food was served...

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04.08.2023 - 07:10

A very nice lunch here. I was very impressed with the quality of the chinese food. Very delicious, especially for chinese food abroad. Would recommend.

04.08.2023 - 07:10

Impossible not to like: hugh portions, good vegetarian options with toffee. Spicy but hearth-warming soups. Go for the hotplate and share that with your partner...

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