
Carta ha recopilado todas las calificaciones de Rainbow de todos los importantes portales para darte una impresión transparente lo más ampliamente. Actualmente tienes a tu disposición 5 calificaciones de 1 sitio(s) web. La valoración promedio para Rainbow es 2.5, lo que significa que este restaurante es increíblemente bueno, según sus clientes. Ayuda a otros clientes con tu valoración para este local!.

Puntaje total general
2.5 de 5
Regular | 5 comentarios

Comentarios de varios sitios web

Todas las reseñas para Rainbow de todos los sitios web.

2.4 ★ de 5 comentarios
07.05.2023 - 23:37

The Hazeltons (new and old) are a great area to explore for outdoor activities - great river fishing, hiking and scenery. Not a lot of restaurant options to cho...

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we had suey and garnel fried rice hacking. these are courts from my childhood. both were well prepared. service was great; we went in while they were finished....

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we went to lunch and after seeing the decoration my expectations were not high, which was a good thing. my man had the cheeseburger and the pommes he said was i...

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not much choice in the city. Sunday night was 'smorgasbord' at night, a strange for an oriental restaurant, but that was okay. neither the outer nor the inner a...

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the hazeltons (new and old) are a great antidote to explore large river fishing, hiking and landscape for outdoor activities. not many restaurant options to cho...

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2.5 ★ de 5 comentarios